Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's the SUN!!

Whoohoo, the sun the sun the sun is OUT!!!!

I think ya'll out there should be EXTREMELY proud of me that I have just survived the-first-of-what-I-am-sure-will-be-many 7-day long bouts without the SUN!

Coming from the south and actually living through a bout like this with no sun is EXTREMELY amazing. AMAZING I tell you. Do you hear me out there?! AMAZING

Number of dashes used: 10
Number of capitalized letters: 44(can you find them all?)
Number of capitalized words: 6 - *ponder* is "I" a word or a letter? hmmmmmmmmmm
Number of times the word EXTREMELY was used (does this count? no): 2
Amount if insanity brought on by not seeing the sun: infinite

Thursday, October 21, 2004


So I have been bitten. Yes there IS truely something in the water here in Mass.

I have found it is impossible NOT to be a Red Sox fan when living anywhere less than 100 miles outside of Boston (I live about 20). I am addicted, and here I was thinking I was nothing but a Texas football girl, oh boy was I wrong (Wow what a Texas phrase right there "oh boy was I wrong"). This entire last week bedtime has not been anywhere before midnight as the Red Sox have not only kept me on the edge of my seat, but have made history when everyone assumed they would fail as they have for the last consecutive 18 years!

So stealing an idea from Sarah B.
As proof of my newly gained Red Sox insanity I quote my recently received saved phone txt messages:

Yea, sux the yanks lost tho
Those geeks don't watch sports
Boston is buzzing
It's amazing
This place is about to explode
3 more outs
Fucking bellhorn
I don't know y they yanked lowe
I'm nervous wit pedro

*Note for you living-under-a-rock-non-baseball-fans, pedro, lowe and bellhorn are all red sox's players.


Saturday, October 16, 2004


What a dramatic title huh? Yea warning I'm feeling like a drama queen today. It's Saturday and really my first day off from work in about 12 days. Coming out of 12 days of straight working, is like coming off a really long drinking binge with out any of the good memories only the bad ones. You know the ones you'll think back on later and shake your head at. Yea...

Both last night and today I have literally looked around and thought to myself "Oh yea, my life, I have one of those what was I doing with it again?" Of course trying to reconnect with my friends has been a bit of a challenge today, and being that I am feeling as dramatic as I am that hasn't boded well for my sanity. I've called 5 of my friends and have either gotten no answer or been blown off by all of them. Ah well I can't really blame them for not being at my beck and call. ;-)

What you have a life? Huh I haven't been having one? It's Saturday night in a still very new place with few friends (none that I can actually stand for more than an hour) and I'm being completely lame by doing laundry and watching a PG-13 rated movie....

Yea ok drama over. Wait wait wait......*sigh*

Ok now it's over.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

This so called life

A few weekends ago I was in the local mall. This mall happens to be a newer version of those that we all grew up with except now they have actual restaurants, cooler fake tile (if such a thing can be said), and wide aisles of yuppie shopping bliss. The latest "thing" in mall development apparently is creating quaint sitting areas filled with leather couches, over stuffed chairs, generic patterned rugs, and gaudy table lamps.

While this is all well and fine I typically ignore these areas, as....um.....duh....I'm in a mall!!

However, on this particular weekend in question I did overhear something amusing which gave me a whole new perspective on the latest in mall development.


Five Year Old Girl: Mom!
Mother of Said Five Year Old Girl: (ignoring Five Year Old Girl)
Five Year Old Girl: Mom!
Mother of Said Five Year Old Girl: (once again ignoring Five Year Old Girl)
Five Year Old Girl: MOM!!!
Me Thinking: Jesus lady HELLO!
Mother of Said Five Year Old Girl: WHAT!?!
Five Year Old Girl: *gasp* Look at all the living rooms in this place!

Kid world perception rocks!

NOTE: It took me 18 words to describe the aforementioned "living room". It took the kid 2.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Click Click BOOM!

It's weird moving to a new place with new types of building codes and rooms that are about as old as you are but yet are considered "new construction". This is where I live right now. In a small 500 square foot room that was built about 3 years before I was born, with a strange and scary heating and cooling system, that despite my advanced degree of education I fear I will never quite understand.

This story is really about the night before last, but lets be honest this really started when I moved in. So I'm from Texas right, and maybe if you're not from Texas I should explain that in Texas, from about March until November, we all run the air conditioner....constantly. Read that again CONSTANTLY. There is no break in air condition running for cool nights or breezy mornings, as that would be a foreign concept in Texas.

So being here, being a Texan, and being that my only way to get circulating air is either through an AC unit or through a sliding glass door with my blinds open to the world, I often (like everyday for 24 hours a day for the past month) run the AC. This was until the night before last in question. It was a rather cool night to begin with, and for some reason it just didn't seem like the AC was providing much cool air, so I walked over to the unit, did the cursory handwave in front of the vents ( hello, hello, helloooooooo) and got nothin. Now I don't know really if this is the truth or it just so happen that the lack of air, having very little knowledge of air conditioners themselves, and my generally paranoia, led me to believe that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the motor was perhaps burning out on this little AC unit. So I did what any woman would to - I turned it OFF, because ignoring problems, just makes them either go away or fixes them right? At 11pm on a work night damn straight it does.

Anyway, so the AC was now off. Life was......still happening somewhat normally or so I thought. And then I heard it:

"Click Click"

Hmm strange - did I hear a clicking? Listening intently......


15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour later who knows.....

"Click Click"

Hmm there it is again - I think it's coming from the heater on the floor. So I get down on my hands and knees (don't even say it) and it seemed that this "clicking" noise was coming from the heater (which vaguely I knew had been running ever since I moved in 1 month previously *shrug* hey I dunno refer to the aforementioned ignore problems they will go away section of this post) . So I went over the the thermostat - which was added fairly recently, flipping down the cover I discovered 4 buttons as follows: up arrow, down arrow, func, and prog.

ASIDE: What the hell ever happened to "ON" and "OFF"!!!!

So I start pushing buttons as any annoyed person with no heater knowledge would do. This does not seem to do anything but change the time, and in my quasi-ADD state that I was already in, I did not have a enough patience to stand there and figure out what really needed to be done, besides I thought the pressing of all 4 buttons in a maniacal random order would fix my "click, click" problem. Hey stranger things have been known to happen.

So I walked back over to the bed, as by this time it was now closer to midnight, climbed inside and proceeded to fall asleep. Needless to say the night might as well have been as sleepless as my first night there. The click click continued all night - waking me up every 15, 30, 60(whatever it was) minutes. At 6:30am when I finally reluctantly rolled out of bed I thought perhaps it would have been better to have taken a bat to the 4 button lack of on/off button thermostat.

Apparently the thermostat overhead my thoughts, and had a long discussion with itself with what I can only guess was most of yesterday the last day of September 2004, because when I walked into my room last night I heard nothing of the click click.

Goodbye click click I will not miss you, but you will forever be in the back of my paranoid thoughts.

Click Click