Friday, September 19, 2008

Bitter, table for one please

You know, I'm trying very hard not to be bitter at 31, but I'm not sure I can quite manage it. I just received my second and a half rejection from another guy. And the funny part is, he's not that great of a guy, he isn't someone I would think to spend long term with or even share interests with necessarily, but yet here I am pissed off at being rejected once again. He chose the other woman. A married woman who lives 2500 miles away with a small child and a husband who has recently been committed to a mental institution. No really I wish I could make this up people, I can't. This I swear is insanity. I feel like I wasn't picked for the dodgeball game, I feel like I never win, I feel like it's unfair that life is so unfair. It's just not right.

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